Our Track Record - A testament to excellence and evolution

By Erlend Engelsgjerd - July 24, 2024

Our track record is not simply a list of past accomplishments. It is a reflection of our unwavering commitment to excellence, innovation, and continuous improvement. Built on a foundation of experience, quality assurance, and data-driven decision-making, it stands as a testament to our dedication to deliver exceptional results for our clients through the evolution of our solutions and approach.

Experience and history

With a rich history and a timeline that showcases our journey of growth and success, HydraWell has established itself as a leading light in the plug and abandonment industry. Our track record includes a huge collection of effectively completed scopes, creating the foundation for our tool evolution and it’s marked by milestones and achievements that have shaped who we are today.

In the world of plug and abandonment, innovation is the key to success.

Our pioneering journey developing technologies began in the early years of the 21st century. The first cup-based PWC® job was installed back in 2010. With a single casing, this technology paved the way for future innovations. Three years later, in 2013, the company had another groundbreaking achievement: the first jet-based PWC® job. This marked a leap forward in our capabilities, offering both single and dual casing options for enhanced flexibility and precision.

In 2015, HydraWell achieved another series of firsts. It was the year when the successful installation of the first one-trip jet-based system took place, followed by the first formation test job, further expanding our portfolio of services. In the same year, we installed the first Generation coil tubing solution, showcasing our commitment to pushing the boundaries of technology in every aspect of our operations.

With an eye for inventing future solutions, HydraWell joined the digital evolution, and in 2017, we introduced the first use of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) to model digital twin. This cutting-edge approach allowed for precise simulation and optimisation, setting new standards for efficiency and performance.

Fast forward to 2020, and the launch of the Generation #2 Coil tubing tool represented a huge stride forward for plug and abandonment. With enhanced features and capabilities, this tool promised to revolutionise coil tubing operations like never before. In 2021, HydraWell conducted full-scale tests of Generation #2, ensuring reliability and effectiveness in real-well conditions. By 2022, we achieved yet another milestone and installed the first Coil tubing Generation #2, now known as HydraCT™, in a live operation.

Through years of innovation and a commitment to excellence, HydraWell has cemented its position as a pioneer in the progressive energy industry.

Quality Assurance and Data Utilisation

One of the cornerstones of our track record is our commitment to quality assurance. Through our data collection methods, we have compiled a rich database that serves as a knowledge hub for future jobs. 

Our comprehensive track record is a database of detailed operational parameters, well configurations, fluid properties, tool configuration, plug lengths and depths, casing sizes and weights, etc. All this data is invaluable to us in quality assurance and is used for project feasibility assessments, product development and operational optimizations. This data is also highly valuable to our clients who can be assured of the quality in the service we provide and use offset data from previously validated and verified PWC® plugs as part of documentation for planned well abandonment operations towards their local regulatory bodies.

The track record also includes details on perforation methods such as system types, shot density, and variations in perforation hole sizes. Parameters such as washing movement speed, fluid and cement properties and densities are meticulously recorded, allowing for maximised performance and tailored solutions to meet bespoke project requirements.

By leveraging historical data and applying the knowledge gained from previous jobs to new projects, we ensure that each job is executed with precision. Collecting similarities and differences between configurations helps identify common conditions, aiding in understanding new client requirements. 

Evolution of Tools and Techniques

The evolution of our tools and techniques is a direct result of our track record. From engineering intuition to data-driven decision-making, our past successes have been instrumental in driving innovation and pushing the boundaries of what's possible in our industry.

The progress of HydraWell's portfolio reflects a commitment to innovation while maintaining the core principles of the Perf-Wash-Cement (PWC®) method. Beginning with the introduction of the HydraWash™ system in 2010, which replaced section milling in wells, subsequent developments like HydraHemera™ expanded capabilities for single and multiple casing applications. This progression led to the creation of HydraTyphon™ and HydraCT™, addressing challenges in larger casing sizes and coiled tubing applications, respectively. These advancements improve operational efficiency while contributing to environmental sustainability by reducing CO₂ emissions and operational costs. 

As we gather more data and gain insights from each project completed, we continually refine and enhance our systems to better serve our clients. 

Cross-referencing and Field-Specific Experience

By collecting and analysing data from various sources, including our extensive customer feedback and field-specific experiences, we can identify patterns and similarities that inform our approach to new projects.

Combined with multiple sensitivity studies on different job design elements, the track record data has allowed us to develop standardised job designs that are applicable to the majority of PWC® candidates presented globally. It also allows us to confidently and accurately predict the outcome of operations falling outside the standard envelope, in which bespoke job designs might be required.

We are proud that every aspect of our track record reflects our dedication to delivering exceptional results and well assurance. As we continue to evolve, we remain steadfast in our mission to push the boundaries of what's possible and set new standards of excellence in the plug and abandonment industry.


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