Welcome to ‘What the Well’ with HydraWell.
In our second expert Q&A, we discuss:
“What determines whether PWC® is an option for installing an annular barrier?”
Watch the video below for all you need to know…
If you find this area of P&A interesting and want to know more, why not check out our White Paper on “Well abandonment planning: The risks and how to avoid them” - linked below.
Still have questions? Why not check out our other FAQs…
What The Well #1 - How do we verify Perforation Wash & Cement (PWC®) plugs?
What The Well #3 - What are the P&A regulations around the world?
What The Well #4 - When do we need to log cement in the annulus to confirm a good annular barrier?
Or get in touch with our team who would be happy to chat.